Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
"Once upon a time, in a distant forest, there lived a wicked queen who was obsessed with being the fairest in the land. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone being more beautiful than her, especially her stepdaughter, Snow White.
The queen ordered her huntsman to take Snow White deep into the forest and kill her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he let Snow White escape.
Lost in the forest, Snow White stumbled upon a cottage belonging to seven dwarfs. They allowed her to stay and, in return, she took care of their home.
Meanwhile, the wicked queen discovered that Snow White was still alive, so she devised various plans to kill her, including a poisoned apple.
The queen succeeded in tricking Snow White into eating the poisoned apple, causing her to fall into a deep sleep.
The dwarfs couldn't wake her, but a prince who happened to pass by recognized her and kissed her, breaking the spell. Snow White and the prince were married, and they all lived happily ever after."
Baca Juga: 11 Cerita Rakyat yang Penuh Nilai Positif untuk Anak
500 Kata Kerja Dan 500 Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris-Indonesia - Wajib banget buat kamu tau apa aja kata-kata bahasa Inggris plus artinya untuk kamu belajar bahasa Inggris. Soalnya kadang sering banget nih kita pas lagi belajar terus ditanya arti kata apa tuh malah gak tau atau belom pernah denger. Belum lagi kita dah tau kata tersebut tapi ternyata selama ini kita salah pronunciationnya.
Gamau kan kayak gini? Niatnya mau pamer bisa bahasa Inggris, tapi pas ketemu sama yang lebih jago taunya kita salah pronunciation atau gak tau artinya. Ujung-ujungnya jadi diketawain deh.
Nah, dari sinilah Englishvit mau share ke kamu list 500 kata bahasa Inggris lengkap beserta artinya. Jadi abis ini gak ada alasan lagi gak tau arti ya.
Beauty and the Beast
Foto: Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Beauty And The Beast (Orami Photo Stock)
Dongeng bahasa Inggris ini juga cukup populer di telinga kita. Ceritanya bahkan sampai diangkat ke layar lebar.
"Once upon a time, in a quiet village, there lived a kind and beautiful young woman named Belle.
She was known for her love of reading and her compassion for others. In addition, there was a Beast who lived in a nearby enchanted castle.
He was once a handsome prince but was cursed to be a hideous creature because of his arrogance.
One day, Belle's father got lost in the forest and stumbled upon the Beast's castle.
When he tried to take a rose as a gift for Belle, the Beast confronted him and imprisoned him in the castle.
Belle, worried about her father, ventured into the forest and found the castle. She offered to take her father's place as the Beast's captive, and he agreed.
Over time, Belle and the Beast started to form a bond. Belle discovered that beneath his beastly exterior, the Beast was kind and gentle.
As they spent more time together, they fell in love. Belle's love for the Beast broke the curse, and he transformed back into a handsome prince. They were married, and their love story taught everyone that true beauty lies within."
List Kata Bahasa Inggris Plus Artinya. Wajib Tahu!
Untuk list kata bahasa Inggris akan dibagi jadi beberapa kelompok, yaitu noun, verb, adjective dan adverb yang diurutkan berdasarkan alphabet untuk memudahkan kamu mempelajarinya.
(Dia menyelipkan serbet di bawah dagunya.)
(Ada pohon jambu di taman.)
(Kamu harus mendengarkan nasihat orang tuamu.)
(Dia selalu membawa sebotol air di tasnya.)
(Kenapa kamu memilih tinggal di Bali?)
(Kami sudah menyapu sampahnya.)
Adjective (Kata Sifat)
(Aku merasa sangat ngantuk aku tidak bisa berhenti menguap.)
(Aku khawatir kamu tidak akan datang.)
(Dia masih lemah setelah sakit.)
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
Foto: Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Aladdin (
Dongeng bahasa Inggris ini juga pernah diadaptasi dalam serial animasi.
"In the bustling city of Agrabah, there lived a poor young man named Aladdin. He stumbled upon a magical lamp while exploring a hidden cave.
When he rubbed the lamp, a powerful genie emerged, granting him three wishes. Aladdin used his wishes to become a wealthy prince to win the heart of Princess Jasmine, who he had fallen in love with.
However, a wicked sorcerer named Jafar sought the lamp for himself. He plotted to take it from Aladdin and seize control of the kingdom.
With the help of his friends, the Genie, and a magic carpet, Aladdin faced numerous challenges to thwart Jafar's plans and save Agrabah.
In the end, Aladdin's bravery and selflessness triumphed, and he used his final wish to set the Genie free.
Aladdin and Princess Jasmine were married, and they ruled the kingdom together, bringing prosperity and happiness to the land."
Cerita dongeng bahasa Inggris yang satu ini juga cukup populer, Moms.
1. “You do not live at once. You only die once and live every day.” Anda tidak hidup sekali. Anda hanya mati sekali dan hidup setiap hari.
2. “We will never know the real answer, before you try.” Kita tidak akan pernah mengetahui jawaban yang sebenarnya, sebelum kita mencoba.
3. “Tranquility can be found when we are with God.” Ketenangan bisa kita temukan apabila kita bersama Tuhan.
4. “If you want the respect of others, you must respect yourself first.” Jika anda ingin dihargai orang lain, maka hargailah diri anda sendiri.
5. “Nothing is impossible. Anything can happen as long as we believe. ” Tidak ada yang mustahil. Semua bisa terjadi asalkan kita percaya.
6. “The more we are grateful, the more happiness we get.” Semakin banyak kita bersyukur, semakin banyak kebahagiaan yang kita dapatkan.
7. “Your biggest mistake is dying including your poverty.” Kesalahan terbesar anda adalah meninggal dengan kemiskinan.
8. “Be a strong wall in the hard times and be a smiling sun in the good times.” Jadilah dinding yang kuat ketika masa-masa sulit. Jadilah matahari yang tersenyum, ketika masa-masa indah.
9. “Honesty is the currency of wherever you are.” Kejujuran adalah mata uang yang berlaku dimanapun anda berada.
10. “Do not blame your past, because the past will never change.” Jangan menyalahkan masa lalu anda, karena masa lalu tidak akan pernah berubah.
11. “Be the good, because God loves the goodness.” Jadilah orang baik, karena tuhan menyukai kebaikan.
12. “Every successful person must have a failure. Do not be afraid to fail because failure is a part of success.” Setiap orang sukses pasti mempunyai kegagalan. Jangan takut gagal karena kegagalan adalah bagian dari kesuksesan.
13. “When someone left you, do not cry because that is the message that you’re going to get a better one.” ketika seseorang meninggalkanmu, maka jangan menangis. Itu adalah pesan bahwa kau akan mendapatkan seseorang yang lebih baik.
14. “Trouble is your best friend. It makes you stronger and more understanding about life.” Masalah adalah sahabat terbaikmu. Dia menjadikanmu lebih kuat dan lebih mengerti tentang kehidupan.
15. “Never give up, fix mistakes, and keep stepping.” Jangan pernah menyerah, perbaiki kesalahan, dan teruslah melangkah.
16. “The happiness will come when you are able to make other people happy.” Kebahagiaan akan datang ketika anda mampu membuat orang lain bahagia.
17. “Our life is very difficult, but there are millions of people with a more difficult life out there.” Hidup kita sangat sulit, namun ada jutaan kehidupan yang lebih sulit diluar sana.
18. “Use your time wisely and do not waste even for a minute.” Gunakan waktumu dengan bijak dan jangan sia-siakan meskipun hanya satu menit.
19. “Be yourself because pretending is so painful.” Jadilah dirimu sendiri karena berpura-pura itu menyakitkan.
20. “Complaining will never solve the problem. Stop complaining and take action!” Mengeluh tidak akan pernah menyelesaikan masalah. Berhenti mengeluh dan segera bertindak!
21. “A fear will only make you weak and lose confidence. Ignore the fear and proceed your step!” Rasa takut hanya akan membuatmu lemah dan kehilangan kepercayaan. Abaikan ketakutanmu dan lanjutkan langkahmu!
22. “There is a moment to talk and there is a moment to be silent.” Ada saatnya kita bicara dan ada saatnya kita diam.
23. “If you do not know a fact, silence will be the best way.” Jika kamu tidak mengetahui sebuah fakta, maka diam adalah jalan yang terbaik.
24. “God’s plan is always more beautiful than our desire.” Rencana Tuhan selalu lebih indah dari keinginan kita.
25. “Do not put off what you should do today. Delaying only makes your behind.” Jangan menunda apa yang harus anda kerjakan saat ini. Penundaan hanya membuat anda tertinggal.
26. “If you want to get something that you never own, you must do something that you never done before.” Jika anda ingin mendapatkan sesuatu yang belum pernah dimiliki, maka anda harus melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya.
27. “The most difficult thing in life is a self-defeating.” Hal yang paling sulit dalam sebuah kehidupan adalah mengalahkan diri sendiri.
28. “No one can change the past, but everyone has a power to change the future.” Tidak ada orang yang bisa mengubah masa lalu, namun semua orang bisa mengubah masa depan.
29. “Cowards always avoid the difficulty while brave are always looking for an opportunity in a difficult situation.” Pengecut selalu menghindari kesulitan sementara pemberani selalu mencari peluang dalam sebuah kesulitan.
30. “Dreaming is the first step that you have to make. While, the act is the next step that you have to do.” Bermimpi adalah langkah pertama yang yang harus anda buat. Sedangkan bertindak adalah langkah selanjutnya.
31. “You will get a true friend when you are at the very bottom of wheel.” Anda akan mendapatkan teman sejati ketika anda berada di bagian roda yang paling bawah.
32. “Wipe your tears and tell yourself that life must go on.” Usap air mata anda dan katakan kepada diri anda sendiri bahwa hidup harus tetap berjalan.
33. “There is no success without a sacrifice and there is no success without hardness.” Tidak ada sebuah kesuksesan tanpa pengorbanan dan tidak ada kesuksesan tanpa kesulitan. 34. “Keep smiling when getting into trouble is a sign that we are strong.” Tersenyum ketika mendapatkan masalah adalah tanda bahwa kita kuat.
35. “Smile is a simple way of enjoying life.” Senyum adalah cara sederhana dalam menikmati hidup.
36. “Reality is not always in line with expectations. So, prepare yourself to face the poor reality.” Kenyataan tidak selalu sesuai dengan harapan. Jadi, persiapkan diri anda untuk menghadapi kenyataan pahit.
37. “If you love someone, do not make her cry even though only a few minutes.” Jika anda mencintai seseorang, jangan pernah membuat hatinya menangis meskipun hanya beberapa menit.
38. “Your eyes can see the things clearly. But with your heart, you can see the truth even without eyes.” Mata anda bisa melihat sesuatu dengan jelas. Namun dengan hati, anda bisa melihat kenyataan meskipun tanpa menggunakan mata.
39. “The determiner of the future is only you and not your parents or siblings.” Penentu masa depan adalah anda sendiri dan bukan orang tua atau saudara anda.
40. “The real friends are those who continue to accompany you even when you do not have anything.” Sahabat sejati adalah orang yang terus menemani anda bahkan ketika anda tidak mempunyai apa-apa.
41. “Success is an achievement. While, struggling is a must.” Sukses adalah pencapaian. Sedangkan berjuang adalah kewajiban.
42. “Do not focus about other people’s opinions, but only focus of our revenue.” Jangan memikirkan pendapat orang lain, tetapi pikirkan pendapatan kita.
43. “God will never give you a problem which bigger than your ability.” Tuhan tidak akan pernah memberikan Anda masalah melebihi kemampuan Anda sendiri.
44. “Competition is so tiring, but we will be left behind if does not participate in the competition.” Persaingan itu melelahkan, tetapi kita akan tertinggal apabila tidak ikut dalam persaingan.
45. “Do a kindness right now.” Lakukanlah hal baik sekarang juga.
46. “Stop looking for reasons why you are poor. Instead, try to find on how to be rich.” Berhentilah mencari alasan mengapa Anda miskin. Sebaliknya, berusahalah mencari jawaban bagaimana agar anda kaya.
47. “Use your youth as good as possible.” Gunakan masa muda sebaik mungkin.
48. “The higher your position, the more responsibility you have.” Semakin tinggi jabatan anda, maka semakin besar tanggung jawab yang anda miliki.
49. “Life is like a piano, white and black. If God play it, all will be a beautiful melody.” Hidup seperti sebuah piano, berwarna putih dan hitam. Jika Tuhan memainkannya, maka akan menjadi melodi indah.
50. “The big happiness is a collection of the long time struggle.” Kebahagiaan besar adalah kumpulan perjuangan yang panjang.
51. “Speak politely, then people will respect you.” Bicaralah dengan sopan, maka orang lain akan menghormati anda.
52. “Anger, resentment, and hatred are the destroyer of your fortune today.” Kemarahan, dendam, dan kebencian adalah perusak rezeki anda hari ini.
53. “Jealousy is a sign that love should hane each other.” Cemburu adalah tanda bahwa cinta harus saling memiliki.
54. “Forget the failures, but always remember a lesson from every failure you got.” Lupakan kegagalan, namun selalu ingat sebuah hikmah dari sebuah kegagalan.
55. “You cannot live without love.” Anda tidak mungkin hidup tanpa cinta.
56. “Receiving your beloved without complaining is a sign that you are grateful to God.” Menerima seorang pasangan apa adanya adalah sebuah tanda bahwa anda sedang bersyukur kepada Tuhan.
57. “If you lose be patient. If you win, stay humble.” Jika anda kalah maka bersabarlah. Namun jika anda menang, maka tetaplah rendah hati.
58. “Sincere is an invaluable wealth.” Ikhlas adalah sebuah kekayaan yang tidak ternilai.
59. “Be a young who love parents and fears God.” Jadilah anak muda yang mencintai orang tua dan takut kepada Tuhan.
60. “Feeling unferior is a sign that you do not deserve to your current condition.” Minder adalah sebuah tanda bahwa anda tidak pantas dengan keadaan anda saat ini. 61. “A young person who will be successful is never give up before get the success on his hand.” Anak muda yang akan sukses tidak akan pernah menyerah sebelum kesuksesan berada di tangannya.
62. “When you have a lot of desires, you must involve a lot of action.” Ketika Anda mempunyai banyak keinginan, maka libatkan banyak tindakan.
63. “The past is not always as the way you want, but the future can be designed as you like.” Masa lalu tidak selalu seperti yang Anda inginkan, tetapi masa depan bisa didesain agar sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
64. “A beautiful woman is not always having an appeal.” Seorang wanita cantik belum tentu mempunyai daya tarik.
65. “Poverty is not a shameful thing, but laziness and pessimism are exactly embarrassing.” Kemiskinan bukan hal yang memalukan. Tetapi kemalasan dan pesimisme barulah menjadi hal yang memalukan.
66. “People who are not useful will have a lot of useless talk.” Orang yang tidak berguna akan banyak berbicara mengenai hal yang tidak berguna.
67. “Patience is needed when you want to achieve a success.” Kesabaran sangat diperlukan ketika anda ingin mencapai kesuksesan.
68. “Choose a woman who is able to work hard and do not choose a woman who just can sue your life.” Pilihlah wanita yang mampu bekerja keras di saat sulit. Jangan pilih wanita yang hanya bisa menuntut.
69. “Industrious people certainly beat those smart even though in a long time.” Orang rajin pasti mengalahkan orang cerdas meskipun dalam waktu yang lama.
Source: (downloaded on 7 November 2013).
Daftar kosa kata bahasa Inggris dan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Terdapat 351 entri kata dan artinya. Kosa kata tersebut mencakup berbagai bidang seperti umum, bisnis, kesehatan, psikologi, politik dan lainnya.
Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
(Semoga kamu segera menemukan cincinmu yang hilang.)
(Sendokkan cairan dengan hati-hati ke dalam cetakan.)
(Ada lampu di atas kami.)
Sebenernya masih ada banyak lagi list kosakata bahasa Inggris yang pengen Englishvit share. Tapi takut kamu jadi boring karena harus ngeliat tabel panjang yang gak ada ujungnya saking banyak banget list nya. Jadi kita bakal lanjut bahas list kata Bahasa Inggris ini di artikel-artikel selanjutnya ya. Pantengin blog Englishvit terus ya!
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Sekolahbahasainggris– Siapa yang pernah dengar atau membaca kisah tentang Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib dari negeri 1001 malam? Kisahnya yang unik dan banyak mengajarkan kebaikan sangat menginspirasi bagi kita semua. Penasaran kisah Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib dalam bahasa inggris? Yuk baca kisahnya disini:
Once upon a time, in the city of Persia, there were a mother lived with her son called Aladdin. One day a man approached Aladdin went to go outside. Then the man was his uncle.
Men invited Aladdin go out of town and with the permission of Aladdin’s mother they went to out of the town. The ways they were taken so far. Aladdin complained of exhaustion to his uncle but instead he shouted at and told to look for firewood, if not Aladdin would be killed. Aladdin finally realized that the man was not his uncle but a witch. Male witch was then lit a fire with firewood and began to utter the incantation. “Kraak …” suddenly became hollow ground like a cave.
In the opening of the cave, there were stairs to the bottom. “Come on down! Get me an antique lamp in the bottom of the cave, “cried the witch. “No, I’m afraid to go down there,” replied Aladdin. The magician then took out a ring and gave it to Aladdin. “It is a magic ring, this ring will protect you,” said the witch. Finally Aladdin down the stairs it with fear.
Having reached the bottom he found the trees bear fruit gems. After the fruit gems and lamp, and he brought it, he immediately climbed the stairs back. However, the door was closed most holes. “Quickly give the lamp to me!”, Cried the witch. “Hell No! These lamp will give after I got out, “replied Aladdin. After debate, the witch became impatient and finally “Slam!” Entrance hole is closed by the magician then leaved Aladdin trapped in an underground pit. Aladdin be sad, and sat. “I’m hungry, I want to meet my mother, God, help me!”, Said Aladdin.
Aladdin pressed his hands and rubbed his fingers to the lamp. Suddenly, around it became red and smoke rising. Along with that came a giant. Aladdin very frightened. “Forgive me, because it was shocking me”, “I was a fairy lamp” said giant. “Oh, then take me back home.” “Good Lord, go to my back, we’ll get out of here,” said the fairy ring. In a short time, Aladdin already up in front of his house. “If You want to call me just require rubbing the ring master.”
Aladdin told all things in the natural to her mother. “Why the witch wanted this filthy light huh?”, Said Aladdin while rubbing cleaning the lamp. “Syut!” Suddenly smoke rose and appeared a giant fairy lights. “Yes sir”, said the fairy lights. Aladdin who’ve never experienced anything like this gave the order, “we are hungry, please prepare food for for us”. In a short time the fairy lights brought a delicious meal-delicious then. “If anyone wants anymore, just call me by rubbing the lamp,” said the fairy lamp.
Thus the day, month, changed, Aladdin live happily with his mother. Aladdin had became a young man. One day there was a princess in front of his house. He was fascinated and fell in love with that gorgeous girl. Aladdin told to his mother about his desire to marry the king’s daughter. “Quiet Aladdin, Mother’ll try”. Mom went to the royal palace by bringing jewels belonging Aladdin. “Sire, it is a gift to you majesty from my boy.” The king was very pleased. “Well …, son certainly a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come to your palace to take along my daughter”.
Upon arriving at her house immediately rub the lamp and asked the fairy lamp to bring a palace. Aladdin and his mother waited at the top of the hill. Soon the fairy lamp came with a magnificent castle on his back. “Sir, this is your palace”. The next day the King and his daughter came to visit the magnificent Palace of Aladdin. “Will you make my daughter as your wife?”, Asked the King. Aladdin was very happy to hear it. Then they both performed weddings.
Far away, the witch turned seeing it all through a crystal ball. He then went to the Aladdin and pretending to be a seller in front of the Aladdin’s palace. He shouted, “Change your old lights with new lights!”. Aladdin saw magic lamp obsolete soon come out and exchange it for a new lamp. Soon magician rubbed the lamp and ordered the fairy lamp and brought the castle and its contents to his wife Aladdin.
When Aladdin came home from touring, he was very surprised. Then call the fairy ring and asked him what had happened. “Then please return it back everything to me,” cried Aladdin. “Sorry sir, my power was not as big as fairy lamp,” said the fairy ring. “Well, then I’ll take it. Please Deliver you there “, exclaimed Aladdin. Arriving at the Palace, Aladdin sneak in looking for a room where the princess locked up. “The witch was sleeping due to drinking beer,” said the Princess. “Well, do not worry I’ll take back the magic lamp, we will be victorious,” replied Aladdin.
Aladdin settled approached the sleeping witch. Turns magic lamp sticking out of his pocket. Aladdin then picked it up and immediately rubded. “Get rid of these criminals,” cried Aladdin to the fairy lamp. Witch woke up, then attack Aladdin. But fairy lamp slammed witches to death. “Thank you fairy lights, and bring us back to the Persian Palace”. Arriving in the Persian Aladin happy life. He uses the magic of fairy lights to help the poor and distress.
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Dongeng bahasa Inggris yang dikenal dengan sebutan "Fairy Tales," menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari budaya masyarakat selama berabad-abad.
Dongeng lebih dari sekadar cerita-cerita fantasi yang menghibur, tetapi juga sarana untuk mengajarkan nilai-nilai moral dan pelajaran hidup kepada pembacanya.
Cerita-cerita ini membawa kita ke dalam dunia ajaib, yang dihuni oleh makhluk fiksi, seperti peri dan monster.
Selain mengajarkan nilai moral, cerita dongeng bahasa Inggris juga dapat melatih kemampuan Si Kecil dalam berkomunikasi dan mempelajari bahasa.
Melansir dari Nepean Touturing, membaca cerita pengantar tidur untuk anak-anak dapat berkontribusi pada perkembangan otak mereka, seperti meningkatkan kemampuan saraf dalam berkomunikasi.
Berikut kumpulan cerita dongeng bahasa Inggris yang bisa Moms bacakan bersama Si Kecil!
Baca Juga: Dongeng Putri Duyung, Yuk Ceritakan untuk Si Kecil!
Foto: Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Cinderella (
Melansir Stories to Grow by, cerita dongeng bahasa Inggris Cinderella ini juga menjadi yang terpopuler untuk dibacakan pada Si Kecil.
"Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young girl named Cinderella.
She was kind-hearted and gentle, but she lived a life of misery and hardship under the cruelty of her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. Despite her trials, Cinderella remained hopeful and kind.
One day, the king decided to host a grand ball to find a suitable bride for his son, the prince. Cinderella's stepsisters were overjoyed and made elaborate preparations for the event, but they refused to let Cinderella go.
As she wept in despair, her fairy godmother appeared. With a wave of her wand, she transformed Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown, and a pumpkin into a sparkling carriage.
Cinderella attended the ball and captivated the prince with her grace and beauty.
But as the clock struck midnight, she had to flee, leaving behind a glass slipper. The prince searched the kingdom for the owner of the slipper, and when he found Cinderella, they were reunited and married, living happily ever after."
The Little Mermaid
Siapa yang tak tau dongeng bahasa Inggris yang satu ini? Identik dengan film Disney, berikut ceritanya!
"In the depths of the ocean, there lived a young and curious mermaid named Ariel. She longed to explore the world above the waves, but her father, King Triton, forbade it.
One night, Ariel saved a prince from a shipwreck and fell in love with him from afar. Determined to be with him, she made a deal with the sea witch Ursula, trading her voice for human legs.
Ariel emerged from the sea as a beautiful human but was mute. She found herself in the prince's kingdom, where they met and formed a deep connection.
However, the prince did not know she was the one who had saved him.
As time passed, Ariel's love for the prince grew, and she had to make the ultimate sacrifice to be with him. In a dramatic climax, she confronted Ursula and regained her voice, ultimately defeating the sea witch.
Ariel and the prince declared their love for each other, and she was transformed into a human permanently. They married, and Ariel found her happily ever after on land."
Baca Juga: 17+ Serial dan Film Kartun Anak, Kaya Pesan Moral!